When life gives you lemons ask for salt and tequila!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

some questionnaire (part I)

Thought i'd give this questionnaire a try.


Current mood : : Relaxed
Current music : : none. my tv is on.
Current taste : : ?? not really sure what this is.
Current hair : : my front hair is pinned up.
Current clothes : : t shirt and adidad dri-fit shorts
Current annoyance : : my feet are tired frm kneeling on the floor too long.
Current smell : : food. I just made mabo tofu.
Current thing I ought to be doing : : going to target to pick up my prescription.
Current desktop picture : : none. my laptop is on the coffee table.
Current favorite band : : no one in particular.
Current book : : not sure if cooking magazine counts?
Current cd in stereo : : i don't own a stereo. it's 2009.
Current crush : : zac efron. i just watched high school musical.
Current favorite celeb : : flips between ashton kutcher & zac efron. current: zac. see above.
Current hate : : John is still at work. -_-


Do drugs? : : heck no!
Have a dream that keeps coming back? : : no. i usually forget in the morning.
Read the newspaper? : : no. it's 2009.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? : : emm... not sure if she counts?
Believe in miracle? : : yes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? : : yes. i hope so.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? : : you kidding? very!
Consider love a mistake? : : no.
Like the taste of alcohol? : : not really. but i like the after effect.
Have a favorite candy? : : depending on mood.
Believe in astrology? : : used to. not anymore.
Believe in magic? : : only when i watch magic show.
Believe in God? : : yes.
Have any pets? : : no but i want a puppy so bad!
Go to or plan to go to college? : : not now. been there, done that.
Have any piercings? : : yes. 2.
Hate yourself? : : sometimes. who doesn't?
Have an obsession? : : if john counts, john.
Have a secret crush? : : no.
Care about looks? : : who doesn't?

To be continued...


-- said...

you mentioned "it's 2009" TWICE! it's either you see this year as very futuristic or you're just completely lazy. zac efron and ashton kutcher? blah! it's 2009 adeline! haha...

Adeline said...

lol... what do u know mkt?! zac and ashton are the new obama!

-- said...

ah! good point. just like green is the new black now? lollll!

that's why you really suck at politics lol.