I realized that one thing I missed when going back to work was listening to Ryan’s Roses during my 7 min commute to work. Yes, I only have 7 min commute to work (don’t be jealous!
) but it’s enough for me to listen to the last part of the juicy details of Ryan’s Roses.
This morning’s Ryan’s Roses was indeed entertaining! Usually it was the girlfriends or wives who wanted to know if their s.o. cheated on them or not but this morning, it was the boyfriend who called in to find out if his gf cheated on him. She was mad that he set her up on the radio show, so she proudly admitted her affair. The worst thing is she didn’t even feel sorry for her actions. So apparently, her bf signed her up for a gym membership and she got a little hurt because she thinks her bf thinks she’s overweight. So she met someone at the gym and started having casual r/ship with that guy! What’s better than to start a morning with such drama?
Later that morning, hubby surprised me at work with this:
He’s afraid I would get too depressed for being away from Gaven for so long. LOL! What a sweetie… just for that, I’ll keep him for a little longer.
I went home for lunch to check up on Gaven. To my surprise, I came home to Gaven’s 3 month old photo session in progress by my mom. She had Gaven dressed in his 3 months onesie and was busy snapping pictures away. I’ll post those pics soon when I get a chance to upload them. Time sure flew by quick. Little munchkin turned 3 months today. I still cannot believe we are raising a human being!
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