When life gives you lemons ask for salt and tequila!

Friday, December 23, 2011

11 Month Update

OK, here’s a customary 11 month update of my little boy.

1) He can stand without support for a long time. Not walking yet… he would stand, and then take a step forward and fall down. Big improvement! Not sure if he will start walking before he turns 1, but hey it’s a start!

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2) He puts everything in his mouth. He has been doing it ever since he was a baby baby, but I thought as he grow older, he would slowly start playing with his hands, instead of his mouth. But no, he still likes to put everything little thing in his mouth. I thought all babies do that, but then when my brother visited and mentioned that his kids didn’t really put stuff in their mouth when they were babies. So maybe this is just a Gaven thing Smile(These pictures are taken at Penny’s- the daycare he goes to)


3) Personality- I’ve mentioned before that Gaven is pretty independent. He is not a clingy baby (most of the time). He doesn’t really ask for help. For example, if he drops something, he would try and grab it himself, even if it challenges him a little. He would try with all his might to try to grab the thing he wants. He would not cry for our help to get it for him. If it’s out of his reach and he knew there is no way he could get it, he leaves it and crawls away. Even if we are standing close by, he would not cry for it. IMG_0014 (9)

4) He kisses, claps, gives high fives, waves bye, and blows kisses on command now. Although it’s a hit and miss, but he gets it most of the time.

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5) He likes to climb on everything that he can climb on. This makes me, the nervous mama, even more nervous.

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6) Bloody experience. Yes, he has bled twice now at the same spot on his mouth. He seems to knock his mouth at the same spot each time. I think it hurts me more than it hurts him. He would scream and cry but was easily calmed down by us.

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7) He loves to feed himself. He eats more when he feeds himself, I think.

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