SO here goes. Gaven turned 10 months on Nov 18. Boy, time flies…. I can’t believe my little guy is 10 months old already! He’ll turn 1 before I know it.
Gaven is getting more and more adorable each day I must say. My opinion may be biased but he is a very lovable child. He makes loving him so easy. He is such a happy baby, laughs all the time and at the littlest thing. It is really not that hard to get a laugh out of him. It is easy for me at least. He can get a little weary around strangers sometimes, but he quickly warms up if you just make an effort.
I hope he stays a happy child. Ah… I just love Gaven much! Love him so much that it hurts. I am sure parents are able to relate to this feeling. Anyway, here’s a little update on Gaven.
1) Talking- He is talking more and more words. Ta- ta, da-da, ma-ma, mum-mum, uh,and other miscellaneous words. I have no idea what he is saying. He blabbers all day long! His words still don’t seems purposeful yet. Although there was one incident when I walked up to him in his car seat, he said “ma” but I think that was just coincidence. I can’t wait for him to start talking actually. I wonder what silly thing he will say. (not cursing at me I hope).
2) Walking- No, not yet. He is not walking yet. That would be scary if he does. He doesn’t care for this walker that we bought him. He stays in there for 10 min top. Then he’ll start whining to be picked up. What a waste of money! I think what we should have gotten him is one of those stand & walk type of walkers, like this one. But I really don’t feel like spending more money on a walker. One is plenty. Fortunately, Gaven is creative enough to get himself one of those walkers. It was funny to spot him walking around with a trash can one day. Since then, if he is up for walking, we just let him play with the trash can. Who needs toys when you have trash can around?
Here’s a little clip:
He sometimes falls, nothing major, he picks himself up, laughs and continues.
3) Health- Gaven got his flu shots. Yes, 2 shots. First one was given to him during his 9 month visit. He just had his 2nd shot today. He has been sick for almost a month. It wasn’t bad. It’s the typical, runny nose, congestion and cough. So the doctor put him on a 10-day antibiotic. He is doing much better now. He always seems to have runny nose, so that will never go away. It didn’t seem to bother him though. What a trooper! Aside from the constant cold that he has, the doctor said he is pretty advanced in his motor skills.
4) Sleep- I have nothing to complain in this department. He goes to bed at around 7-7:30pm and wakes up at around 7am. Give and take 30 min. These hours work during weekdays when we have to get up early to go to work but it sucks during the weekends. That means, no more sleeping in for us. When he gets up, we get up. If there’s anyone that has a good tip on how to train baby to sleep in during the weekends, let me know!
5) Baby Proofing- We still have lots to do in this dept. One of the most useful things we did is put up a gate in the kitchen. He loves crawling into the kitchen so this gate keeps him away.
6) Poop- Once you have a child, you talk poop all the time. How many times they poop, what is the consistency, etc. Gaven poops on average 4 times a day! Sometimes he poops 5 times! On a minimum, twice. I thought the poop would lessen after he started solid, but no, he continues to poop that frequent. Almost after every meal. I brought this up several times during doctor visits, of course the doctor assured us there’s nothing to worry about as long as they are not diarrhea. It is actually a good thing. That sure seems too frequent to me. He is gaining weight fine, I guess I don’t need to worry too much about it.
7) Play- Gaven loves to play. He loves playing more than me! When I pick him up from Penny’s, he sometimes refuses to go home with me. There’s more toys there and he has his friends. Also, he is a pretty independent kid. I can leave him in a room by himself, he would not cry for me. It’s good and it’s bad. The bad? I don’t feel needed
. The good? I can get things done. I can leave him in his room, close the door and prepare dinner without needing to carry him all the time. I check on him every 5-10 min or so, he is happily playing by himself.
8) Food- I am running out of ideas on what to feed Gaven. I try to avoid those baby jar food as much as possible unless we are on the run. At home, I try feeding him homemade food. I’ve been making porridge for him and he seems to like it. He eats everything so far even fish, except for avocado. I am not giving up on avocado yet. The doctor said I should wait another month before I start introducing it to him again.
I think that’s it. Can’t think of anything else.
avocado mixed with steamed pear is yummy. or just mix with cereals. he wont notice it im sure.
Ya, I mixed it with other stuff so he won't notice. He would eat it but then threw it all up later. Not sure if something in his system that doesn't agree with it or it was just coincidence. Will try again in the near future to know for sure.
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