When life gives you lemons ask for salt and tequila!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A dishwasher luck!

I had forgotten to mention that we won a dishwasher! Yes, you heard it right. A freaking dishwasher! We won it at a so-called private sale of appliances store 2 weeks ago. I entered John's name into a sweepstake and he won!!! Correction.....
WE won! What are the chances? We entered millions of sweepstakes... never... never once we win something like this.

Nope, it is not a stainless steel one. We asked if we could upgrade it to a specific model that we liked and the answer was of course no. Since when can you choose your own prize? Well.. beggars cannot be choosers. We took it home with us anyhow. Since we decided not to keep it, Jimmy offered to trade his service for the dishwasher. John jumped at the offer right away. I guess he knows he will be needing Jimmy's help a lot after we buy the house. It's a win win situation.... or should I say... John win, Jimmy... not so much? ;P

waiting to be loaded on the truck...

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