After weeks of searching for the best deal, we finally got ourselves a new dining table. We do own a dining table that we bought used off craigslist a couple years ago. We were in a rental place and didn’t want to spend money buying new furniture, so we settled for a used dining table that served its purpose. After we moved, the dining table sits in the formal dining area, never used. Wait… maybe once when his parents came over for dinner. We rarely eat on the dining table. Where do we eat? On the coffee table in front of the TV. Yes, I know. Bad habit. The formal dining area is separated from the family room. We can’t watch the TV if we sit there. We know we will never use that area unless we have guests over. Since there’s room for another table between the kitchen and the family room, we decided to get a new dining table. That way, we can watch the TV while we eat. No more eating on the coffee table.
We are still not sure if we got a good deal but we are tired of shopping around. We bought it from a furniture shop nearby. Last night the pieces came. Shane & Dustin came for a visit, we put them right to work. Such good friends we are. ;)
With 3 hunks working on it, all 6 chairs were assembled in no time. The table unfortunately was damaged upon receipt. So we exchanged it the next day. So for the night, we only have 6 chairs and an invisible table.
tsk tsk tsk…. chipped end. John had to make another trip back there to exchange for another one. Tonight, we finally got all 7 pcs together. The table comes with a leaf, which we would probably not use, unless we have guests over and needed a bigger table. I don’t really care for the lazy susan, so that may end up in the closet unless we need to use it someday.
Pictures above show all pieces together with the leaf and lazy susan. We have the option to get 8 chairs but we think 6 chairs are sufficient. The dining set already comes in handy. I am already blogging from the table tonight. Hmmmm… why do I have a feeling that this table is going to be our computer desk rather than our dining table? :P I already told John that we should try to leave this table clutter free. We’ll see how long we can keep it that way.