We went to the 94th aero squadron for breakfast on August 5th with John's family. His family decided to go there for Debbie's and my birthday. Our birthday is only about a week apart from each other. This is a very extraordinary restaurant. It's an old country french farmhouse with a view of the departing and arriving air traffic. See website for details. It was unfortunate that his mom couldn't make it that day. She strained her back couple days ago and is not advisable for her to move around that much. So she stayed home. However, his dad made it this time. His dad is always the one who can't make it to any ocassions. Strangely he showed up instead of his mom. Like John said they took a role reversal.
Actually this is not my first time here. When we first started dating, John took me here once for dinner hoping to show me the dramatic view of planes taking off and landing. Unfortunately, there were no planes taking off that night (should've checked their schedule!!). John was really dissapointed because he kept telling me how cool this place is. Anyway, here we are again.... this time with no dissapointment!
this is the entrance, surrounded with many beautiful flowers

John with Jacob ..... and the hay!
the patio with stone fireplace to keep guests warm and cozy during winter.

we sat outside so we can see the air traffic. That's John's dad by the way (with the cap)
and that's me with everyone else

one of the planes getting ready to take off

we took a walk around the patio and saw this!! mallards sleeping......Can you spot the second one?

All of us had the breakfast buffet and went home stuffed!!! I didn't take any picture of the food. They offer many varieties of food ranging from japanese sushi to an old english style hot breakfast for $19.99/ person.