When life gives you lemons ask for salt and tequila!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Gaven with friends

Gaven is so fortunate to be loved by so many people around him. We are the first few among “my side” of friends that have a baby. We had our “coupled” friends take pictures with him. They all look so good with a baby in their life. Heheh…. Be right back

IMG_5330Here he is at less than 2 weeks old with Alan & Veron.


Here he is at less than 3 weeks old with Jimmy and Janet. We were having CNY dinner over at Jocelyn’s.


Still at Jocelyn’s, with Anette and Daniel.


Gaven with Jocelyn and Johann.


Here is the latest one, at 2 months old- with Ivy and KC.

Don’t they all look so natural with a baby? So… what say you? Who’s next to have a baby? Gaven can’t wait to have a play date.Smile

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gaven’s recent pictures

More of Gaven’s crazy adorable pictures! Smile Sorry I overloaded you guys with so many of his pics. I just don’t know which one to pick!

Click on the pic to enlarge it if you are interested. Enjoy!


He look so cute when he is getting burped. I sometimes burp him for no reason just to see him like this!



I’ll try not to post too many at once next time. Open-mouthed smile

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sleeping in his own room

Gaven has been sleeping in our room in his little Pack ‘N Play since the day we brought him home. At first, he slept in the little bassinet that comes with the pack n’ play. When he was about 3-4 weeks old, we found that he outgrew the bassinet. He didn’t exceed the weight limit, it was his length that bothers us. We noticed that his legs were not able to stretch out completely. So we took the bassinet out. And since then, he has been sleeping in the pack n’ play. Although we did put him in a bouncer (in the pack n play) for a couple weeks due to his acid reflux. It was best for him to sleep at a 30 degree angle rather than flat. Once we thought his reflux wasn’t as serious anymore, we put him back to his pack n play, laying flat.

pack n play

from amazon.com.

We have also been swaddling him since day 1. He hated it at first, but eventually got used to it. I wish I knew we didn’t have to swaddle him. I would have not swaddled him when he was fighting it the first few days of his life. As a first time parent, I thought swaddling is the way to go. It did help him with the startle reflex though. He is now used to being swaddled and now it acts as a cue for his bedtime. He knows it is his bedtime when we swaddle him. We stoped swaddling him couple nights ago because I am worried it will affect his mobility development even though I read that it is ok to continue to swaddle until 3 months of age. I want to stop it sooner before it gets harder to break. He was confused at first but will still go to sleep without fussing too much. He has more night wakings these few days since then. I am not sure if it’s due to us not swaddling him or he is just going through another growth spurt. Anyway, we will stop swaddling him- better for him to get used to it now rather than later. We will just have to be patient with his night wakings now. Hopefully, it will get better.

We have always planned to move Gaven to his nursery when he turns 2 months. So today is the day.  We made the transition as easy as possible for him. We moved the mobile that we always have on his pack n play to his crib so he can continue to see the familiar mobile when he lays down. We also gave up our little white noise machine in our room. We have a white noise machine that we use every night. Since he has been sleeping with us, we think he might have gotten used to the noise machine as well. We play soothing music before his bedtime until he falls asleep. We continue to do that in his nursery. We put him to bed at 7 something tonight. He went to sleep pretty well with no fuss. We will see how he does tonight. We will probably be making millions of trips tonight to his room but we know it’s essential to have him sleeps in his own room. *sob sob* My little boy is growing up. Sick smileI am thinking of investing in one of those video monitors so I can watch him (we have the regular baby monitor). I keep wanting to see him so bad. I think I will feel much better if I can see him sleep. I can tell my mom is pretty worried too. I’ll be able to tell if she makes secret trips to his nursery tonight from the baby monitor. Haha!

2 month old

Gaven turn 2 months today! Yay! Ah… where do I begin? He has hit so many milestones to-date. He smiles, coos and gurgles. They all started to happen when he was around 6 weeks I think. As he grows older, the smiling, coos and gurgles becomes more frequent. I just about melted when he flashed his toothless grin at me the first time. I can’t wait for him to start giggling! He talks a lot too. He coos back at me when I talk to him. I already know what he’s saying… “mama… you are so pretty!”. Haha!

My parents came 2 weeks ago to help out! I can’t stress how much relief that has been. They have definitely been a great help to me. I swear… my mom has like the baby mojo or something (sorry for the lack of word choice). When Gaven cries in my arms and no matter what I do, he won’t stop crying. Once my mom took over, he stops crying instantly. Imagine how bad that makes me feel..?! Ah…. whatever. As long as he stops crying.

Here’s a recent pic of him. There are so many cute pictures of him that I don’t know which to upload. It would take me forever to pick the ones to post. I’ll do that next time. For now, this will do! Smile


Here’s a comparison of his 1 month and 2 month pictures. He already looks so different from his 1 month picture! Definitely chubbier I must say!
